Amsterdam, NL

Marketing Services for Small Businesses

Because you deserve great Marketing Strategies too.


Whether you’re updating your Marketing Strategy or needing your first one created, I work to understand your business and its audience.


Content is King! From blogs to emails to website copy, everything reflects your brand. Is what you’re putting into the world sending the right message?


Managing all of your Social Platforms takes a great deal of time and energy. Fill your cup with what’s important to you and let the expert take care of the rest.


Convey your brand in the right way,
to the right audience

Growth Empowered Marketing (GEM) Services provides custom strategies for your business. I consult with each and every person and business to discuss what the most important goals are and determine a plan of action.

No two companies are the same and I want to help you bring out your unique distinction and portray that to your audience. Contact me  to get your free evaluation, learn more about what Marketing Services I can provide, or start right away!

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Client Testimonials

You may want to hear what others have said too and not just take my word for it:

Jennifer is solid communicator and great team player. She contributed much to our team and projects. Thanks, Jen!

Dana K

Ad Agency

Jen has a fantastic eye for detail, takes responsibility and is an excellent writer! Not only is she always there to help, she’s also very responsive, extremely reliable and straight forward. A rare find indeed. Her knowledge and skills in Marketing and strategy are a true asset to us. The company is growing and I could not recommend her more!

Lara W

Event Production

Contact me today!

Marketing Blogs

The Marketing world is constantly changing. Check out my blogs to learn more about how I help businesses, what’s progressing, what’s working (and what’s not), and more!

recycle content

6 Ways to Repurpose Content – A Small Business Secret

Being a small business has many challenges. Creating content doesn’t have to be one of them if you repurpose content you created with these tips.

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ideas become plans become success

10 Marketing Strategy Models for your Small Business

Creating a Marketing Strategy can be a daunting task to tackle. Using these models will help guide you in the right direction to reach and convert customers.

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finding your ideal customer

5 Ways For Small Businesses to Reach Your Ideal Customer

Reaching your ideal customer can be done in many ways, but try these 5 (plus a bonus) to get you started!

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marketing teams

How to Choose the Right Marketer For My Business

Hiring a Marketer can be a challenge – especially when you aren’t sure who can do what. Check out these details on each type!

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Contact me

I look forward to seeing if I can help you and your business. Please let me know exactly how I can help, what your Marketing needs are, and when we can get in touch and let’s chat!

Your privacy is important and will never be sold! The information you provide to us will only be used to contact you about relevant content, products, and services. You may unsubscribe from these communications at any time.

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